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  • Writer's pictureBrian Park

Shantell Martin Debit Card (1.28.23)

NEW VIDEO is UP! This video contains more than Shantell Martin Debit card. It is indeed $5 debit card designed by Shantell Martin. I actually like this abstract design. That is why I thought it was $5 worth of investment. I could've gone for free card but design was dull. This card is for cash app. Cash app and this card is connected. I must say cash app and 'Toss' app are similar. Toss is a Korean digital finance company just like cash app. I can buy and sell stocks and they also have their own debit card. I have owned Toss debit card when I was in Korea. It was bright neon orange on the sides. I still use the app for daily point earning system where you can use it for points when you are purchasing the items with discounted price. It would take whole another paragraph to describe what it is.

Today was a bit busy day. AS 309 from 1200-1250, printed total 150 flyers for Silver Wings. Me and Silver Wings President Caleb Southward worked on putting flyers all around the campus. I am a public affair so I think this is part of my "job" to put flyers I have designed and created. Then I went to WX 301 from 1600-1650. Took a WX 201 reminder test. 13/25. We can retake it so I don't worry too much. Then delicious dinner at Earhart's with new friends I made. Brushed my teeth in my dorm and went to Resident Assistant informational meeting from 1900-2000. I want to be the RA for summer and rest of college years. Benefits of RA: Free meal plan and free housing.

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