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  • Writer's pictureBrian Park

Of course (1.24.23)

Yes, that is Ford Mach-E you are watching. I took this photograph in front of the modular halls. Embry Riddle is where few rich kids come to fly the plane. I shouldn't say rich kids. They are not rich, their parents are rich. I was honestly surprised to see this car parking outside one of the modular halls. However, my dream car is cybertruck.

I have started off my day earlier than usual. Woke up at 7:00 am to get ready for escorting the Copperstate company person. I have to open the doors for him to check fire panels since I am an EHS assistant. I never done escorting someone as this. Now I do know how to do procedures. Learning something one by one everyday is so much fun. I feel like I'm living my life efficiently and productively.

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