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  • Writer's pictureBrian Park

NEW VIDEO! (1.17.23)

NEW VIDEO is up on YouTube. Video before this one was uploaded 5 days ago. Number 5 isn't a big number but it felt like I haven't uploaded a video for 5 months. It could sound like an exaggeration but it does feel like there is a huge, long gap. I used to upload videos every day during winter break. Is this a snowball effect? When I am not editing and not uploading, I feel lazy even though I am not. I was focusing on school schedule and other club flyer making process.

I worked in the library today from 1800-2000 and now, 23:07. I have achieved decent numbers of list. I have edited and currently uploading January 10th, 2023 video. I have finished another assignment. Few more to go: Duolingo, and make another flyer for Silver Wings event. I love my busy life.

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