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  • Writer's pictureBrian Park

3 classes in 1 day (1.12.23)

This photo is taken from SF210 (Introduction to Aerospace Safety) today. I have 3 classes on Tuesday and Thursday: COM 222 (Business Communication), SF 210 and AS 235 (Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations). My most exciting class is AS 235 because it is my direct major course class and I get to build my own drone. My father ordered all the parts because I didn't had enough money to purchase the items back in December.

After SF 210, AS 235 starts 10 minutes right after so I have to do fast jog, small cardio work. With my fast walk pace, I could get to class in 5 minutes so I don't worry about it so much. I am currently "working" in the library again. I love this job because it is easy paying money. I get to hear and see many people and possibly make more friends. I honestly think making friends is 2 sides of coin. Risk with high return. You never know how will the destiny takes you with the relationship you make with friends but some will turn to good long term friendship or the other will be bad short term friendship. I had both of them in my past so I am quite sincere and careful when I make friends.

Working until 1am is quite nice. It is "quite" and peaceful. That's about it for today. I will now go study Russian with Duolingo.

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