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  • Writer's pictureBrian Park

1st day of Spring Semester (1.11.23)

It is 1:44AM and this is my schedule for rest of my spring semester. Today I have been walking, working and thinking a lot. I walked so many steps of school since last fall semester. New faces, familiar faces in new classes. Casual first day of classes: Syllabus and introduction of professors.

I got signed to 10pm to 1am shift for librarian with a short notice from Jake. My first max work hours! (Limit is 29 hours per week) Also I got to have more work hours during weekdays since Jake is changing his class schedules. Win win for both of us.

I have been editing January 3rd VLOG and in about 2 hours and 10 minutes, it will be up on my YouTube channel. Today is short blog since I have to go to bed and wake up at 8am. Good night.

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